Helpline Resource
Online and Automated Telephone Service
Disability Rights Michigan, is located at 4095 Legacy Parkway, Lansing Michigan. The phone number is 517-487-1755.
Disability Rights Michigan(DRM) is a federally mandated, independent, private, nonprofit, statewide organization that serves as a protection and advocacy system for Michigan, which receives funding from the social security administration and the State of Michigan. DRM is authorized by the federal and state law to advocate and protect the legal rights for people with disabilities in Michigan. They have experience in the following areas:
- discrimination in education, employment, housing, and public places;
- abuse and neglect;
- Social Security benefits;
- Medicaid, Medicare and other insurance;
- housing;
- Vocational Rehabilitation;
- HIV/AIDS issues; and
- many other disability-related topics.
DRM also provides specialized training, publications and written materials that assist people with disabilities and their families to advocate for themselves. For more information, call Disability Rights Michigan at 517-487-1755, or visit them online at
Phone code: 1233