Applying for Medicaid

To apply for Medicaid separately from Supplemental Security Income or SSI, you will need to contact your local Michigan Department of Human Services or DHS office. There is at least one local office per county. Your local office can be found by visiting DHS’ website at


The application form is lengthy and often confusing. You can request to have it mailed to your home or you can pick it up at your local DHS office.


You will be asked about the following:

  • your income and assets;
  • your age;
  • your medical expenses, including personal supports or direct care;
  • your marital status;
  • your medical insurance;
  • your ability to work if you are under 65 years old;
  • your citizenship.

You will also be asked the same questions about your spouse’s assets and income, and about the income of any legal dependents living with you. It is important for you to provide proof of your assets, income, and medical expenses. If you are under 65 years old, you will need to give the DHS worker permission to review doctor reports. You must bring a copy of your social security card, or other proof that you have a social security number.


If you are asked to come into your local DHS office, you are entitled to bring a representative to assist you. This could be your parent, advocate, guardian, or a person you would like to act as your representative payee. The local DHS office determines your eligibility for Medicaid. You will be notified within 60 days if you are disabled and within 45 days in other cases.


If you have questions about how to apply for Medicaid, you can contact The Arc at 734-729-9100.


Phone code: 1301

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