Helpline Resource
Online and Automated Telephone Service
The Arc Dearborn Dearborn Heights is located at 22450 Park St. in Dearborn, Michigan. The phone number is 313-562-1787.
The Arc Dearborn Dearborn Heights operates a number of programs, which provide assistance to people with developmental disabilities and their families.
The community program offers activities in the areas of social, daily living, leisure, and recreation. The purpose of the program is to assist in the development of independence for people with developmental disabilities over the age of 26. The program addresses individual needs for meaningful activities and enhances opportunities to establish friendships and social relationships.
The Arc Dearborn Dearborn Heights provides assistance in obtaining and maintaining government benefits such as Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Insurance, Home Help, Medicaid, and Food Stamps, and can also make referrals and provide assistance in finding appropriate services in the areas of education, employment, health care, respite, recreation, day programs and residential services.
The Arc Dearborn Dearborn Heights provides monthly visitation to local day, and residential programs to assure quality of life through the Dignified Lifestyles / Community Connections Program and offers training to people with disabilities, their families, staff, and professionals in the areas of Person Centered Planning, Managed Care and Alternatives to Guardianship.
Call The Arc Dearborn Dearborn Heights at 313-562-1787, or visit online at The Arc Dearborn
Phone code: 1225