Helpline Resource
Online and Automated Telephone Service
The Arc Northwest Wayne County is located at 7170 N. Haggerty in Canton Township, Michigan. The phone number is 313-532-7915.
The Arc Northwest Wayne County offers a variety of services to people through the following programs:
The Arc Lekotek provides play opportunities for children with developmental disabilities through monthly play sessions and toy loans. An elaborate toy inventory, including typical toys, and some specialized adapted toys provides children with hours of fun.
The Community Participation project helps adults with developmental disabilities create a plan of interesting and meaningful activities in accordance with their Person-Centered Plans. Community Participation Project participants are required to provide their own support staff if needed, and transportation.
The Arc Athletic Program offers athletes a chance to participate in bowling, swimming, basketball, track and field, softball, team handball, and soccer. Individuals with cognitive and/or physical disabilities, age 8 and older are welcome to participate.
The After I’m Gone Project helps to provide support and information to assist parents in planning for when they are no longer able to care for their son or daughter with a developmental disability. The After I’m Gone Project hosts ongoing informational meetings, one-on-one support, and referrals to attorneys as needed.
The Just Fun Club provides social activities for adults with developmental disabilities aged 16 years and older. Activities include monthly dances, an annual hayride, an ice cream social, a hotdog roast, a pizza party, a semi-formal holiday dinner dance, and trips.
The Arc Northwest Wayne County’s staff advocates to improve the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Systems advocacy allows the Arc to be proactive about future legislative and service provisions available through special education, Medicaid, Social Security, the Department of Human Services, and more. Individual advocacy supports individuals and their families with their immediate challenges with services.
For more information, visit The Arc Northwest Wayne County online at The Arc NW
Phone code: 1228