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The After I’m Gone Project is a service provided by The Arc Western Wayne County. Funding is provided by Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network. The After I’m Gone Program assists parents of children and adults with disabilities in planning for their son or daughter’s future when parents are no longer able to provide care.
The Arc Western Wayne County provides monthly informational meetings for families in Wayne County to help them get the most out of their estate planning. Families will receive information and be able to ask questions about a wide range of issues.
The Arc will also explain the services it offers through The After I’m Gone Program. In addition, families can find out about other resources that are available.
Now, let’s look at the important services families can receive through The Arc as they create their own After I’m Gone plan.
The Arc can help families with writing their Letter of Intent. This is a document that communicates important information and guidelines to people who may become responsible for the care of the person with a developmental disability.
The Arc can act as an advocate for a person with a developmental disability in the absence of his or her parents. An advocate assures proper supports for the person and will ensure that the Letter of Intent is followed.
The Arc can serve as the facilitator of a person-centered plan if desired by an individual. A person-centered plan assists a person in creating his or her future. It builds upon the person’s capacities and affords opportunities that help a person be a part of their community.
Through The After I’m Gone Program, The Arc can serve as a Personal agent. The Personal Agent provides more intensive advocacy on behalf of the person with the developmental disability. This advocacy may involve periodic visits to ensure proper support, telephone calls, contact with guardian, power of attorney or trustee, letter writing, attending meetings or other measures.
The Arc Western Wayne County can also serve as an Advisor to the trust. The advisor to the trust assists the trustee by providing information about public health benefits, special education services, and other programs, laws and regulations with which a trustee may not be familiar.
The Arc can also serve in the capacity of trustee or co-trustee. A trustee is a person or entity responsible for watching over a trust and following its instructions on when and how to distribute the assets. Trustees can invest the trust principle and are responsible for knowing and following any reporting regulations about management of the trust.
The Arc Western Wayne County can provide families and individuals with information about alternatives to guardianship. The primary alternative is Power of Attorney, which is a legal document which can be used as a substitute for guardianship. It is a document in which a person, in writing, indicates their desire to have another party or parties make decisions for them. The Arc can act as Power of Attorney for people with disabilities or Arc members.
Guardianship for people with developmental disabilities should be used only when necessary to promote and protect the well being of the person and to guard against neglect, exploitation, or abuse.
To learn more and register for meetings, visit The Arc Western Wayne County’s After I’m Gone Program.
Phone code: 1249