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The Arc Western Wayne County believes it is important to recognize the role of siblings in efforts to support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Adult siblings of people with disabilities continue to be an extraordinarily overlooked population.
The Arc believes agencies, including schools, community agencies, and health care providers, should reach out to siblings and other family members to provide them with the support and information that will address their concerns and help them to make appropriate decisions.
Sibling relationships are particularly important as they are among the most enduring and meaningful ones individuals may have during their lives.
As parents age, the balance of responsibility for support to the person with developmental disabilities often shifts to the siblings. It is critical that siblings are provided the knowledge, information, and guidance needed to participate with their siblings in decision making and long-range planning. The needs of individuals with disabilities remain paramount.
Adults who are siblings of persons with disabilities face a number of unique concerns and challenges. On the one hand, they have lives of their own, often with responsibilities to spouse’s and/or their own children. On the other hand, they have a bond with their sibling with its own set of potential responsibilities as parent’s age and pass away.
If you are interested in receiving more information on the Sibling Network, please contact The Arc Western Wayne County at 734-729-9100.
Phone code: 1247