Chilren’s Choice of Michigan

Children’s Choice of Michigan is a Special Health Plan for children and some adults who are in the Children’s Special Health Care Services Program. The Detroit Medical Center and Children’s Hospital of Michigan created Children’s Choice in 1998.


Children’s Choice of Michigan is a special kind of managed health plan.  It is not an HMO.  It focuses on the specialty needs of children by developing an Individualized Health Care Plan created by the family, a care coordinator and the principal coordinating doctor.


Children’s Choice provides more than just medical care.  Some of the benefits of Children’s Choice include:


  • immunizations and well child care;
  • nutrition counseling;
  • transportation assistance such as mileage, lodging and meals;
  • medical equipment and supplies;home health nursing;
  • inpatient hospital care;
  • outpatient care;
  • tests and procedures;
  • coordination of services; and
  • an after hours nurse on call.


Children’s Choice is committed to giving your child appropriate and timely medical care.  They work with a network of health care providers, pediatric centers of excellence, physicians and hospitals throughout the state.


If you would like more information on Children’s Choice of Michigan, call DMC’s Children’s Hospital at 248-745-5437.


Phone code: 1332

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