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The Family Support Subsidy
The Family Support Subsidy is a State of Michigan program which provides financial support for families who care for children with severe disabilities in their home. The subsidy program is intended to pay for special expenses the family incurs while caring for their child.
Families may be eligible for this program if they have a child under the age of 18 who is living at home, and who has been recommended by a public school district’s multidisciplinary team as having:
- Severe Cognitive Impairment;
- Severe Multiple Impairment; or
- Autism Spectrim Disorder. Children with autism spectrum disorder must be receiving special education services in a program for students with autism spectrum disorder, or in a program for students with severe cognitive impairment, or severe multiple impairments.
Families are not eligible if:
- their taxable income exceeds $60,000;
- they have a child with a diagnostic category other than Severe Cognitive Impairment, Severe Multiple Impairment or Autism Spectrim Disorder;
- their child lives in an out of home placement;
- their child is over the age of 18; or
- they receive a medical subsidy from the Adoption Subsidy Program.
Applications for the Family Support Subsidy Program are available from and submitted to your local Community Mental Health Agency. In Wayne County, you can call 313-833-2500, or you can contact the family subsidy office in Lansing at 517-241-5773.
You will need the following information when you apply:
- a copy of your child’s birth certificate;
- a copy of the family’s Michigan Tax Return for the preceding year;
- a written verification from the school district which certifies that your child has been recommended for an eligible diagnostic category; and
- a copy of your child’s social security number.
Payments are uniform for all families. There is no waiting list for this program. Coverage will begin for the month following the month of application. Actual payment for the first covered month may be delayed during the processing of the application.
If you have questions about the Family Support Subsidy Program, call the subsidy office in Lansing at 517-241-5773, visit them online at MDHHS, or call The Arc at 734-729-9100.
Phone code: 1320