Helpline Resource
Online and Automated Telephone Service
The Office of Children’s Ombudsman, or OCO, can be reached by calling 517-241-0400. The Office of Children’s Ombudsman is an independent government agency established by Public Act 204 of 1994. Under this Act, the Ombudsman investigates complaints about children who are in Michigan’s child welfare system and makes recommendations for changes in welfare laws, rules, and policies to the Governor, Legislature, and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, or DHHS.
The Office of Children’s Ombudsman first investigates complaints having to do with children under the supervision of protective services, foster care, and adoption agencies. Then a review of confidential records of the public and private agencies is done. The OCO then will determine if the action was made according to the laws, rules, and policies governing the FIA and child-placing agencies. The OCO finally makes recommendations for changes in the child welfare system.
Before calling OCO try to resolve your problem by contacting DHHS or the child-placing agency. Many times, an agency official can explain a specific policy or correct the problem right away. When you contact an agency remember to have all relevant information written down, talk to the right people, keep careful notes, and carefully read all information that is sent to you. There are often rules and deadlines that must be followed.
If you would like more information, please contact The Office of Children’s Ombudsman at 517-373-3077, or visit them online at
Phone code: 1242