Recipient Rights

When you receive Mental Health Services, Michigan’s Mental Health Code, and other laws, safeguard your rights.  Staff are responsible to protect your rights, when they provide services to you.  You are encouraged to ask questions about your treatment, and about your rights, and to make suggestions that you feel are in your best interest.  If you believe your rights have been violated, you should inform a Rights Officer.


If you are receiving Mental Health services, you should be given a booklet explaining what your rights are.  The name and phone number of your Rights Officer, or Advisor, should be written on the back of the booklet.  If you think that any right listed in the booklet has been violated, you, or someone you trust, can file a recipient rights complaint.  You can file a complaint by calling, or visiting the Rights Office, or by filling out the recipient rights complaint form in your Rights booklet, and sending it to the Rights Office listed on the back of your Rights booklet.


If you want help writing your complaint, the Rights Office will refer you to an advocacy organization for help.  If there is no advocacy organization available to help you, the Rights Office or Advisor will help you.  There is additional information on Recipient Rights available to you on The Take Charge Helpline or via DWIHN rights and advocacy page.



Phone code: 1420

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