You have the right not to be fingerprinted, photographed, audiotaped, videotaped, or viewed through one-way glass, unless you or your legal representative agree to it in writing.  If someone wants to photograph, videotape or record you for educational, informational, social or treatment purposes, then that person must first ask you.  If you object, then it will not be done.


While doing an investigation to determine if your rights were violated, the Rights Office may need to take your picture.  This will be kept in your confidential records maintained in the Rights Office.  When they are no longer needed, or upon discharge, any fingerprints, photographs, audiotapes, or videotapes in your record must either be given to you or destroyed.


If you have questions about your rights regarding fingerprints, photographs, audiotapes, videotapes and the use of one-way glass, contact the Office of Recipient Rights at the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network at 313-833-2500.


Phone code: 1426

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