If you are ordered by a court to receive mental health treatment or services it does not mean that you are incompetent.  This is your right to be seen as competent.  You still have the right to have a driver’s license, marry and divorce, make a will, buy and sell property, manage your own affairs and decide most things about your life.  You will continue to be treated as competent unless a court has decided that you are legally incompetent and has appointed a guardian for you.


A guardian is authorized by a judge to make certain decisions for you.  For some people, a guardian makes major decisions, for others the guardian decides only those specific things listed in the court order.


If you do have a guardian and you think that you should be able to make more decisions for yourself, or think that you don’t need a guardian, or think that you need a different guardian, then you or someone you trust may go to the court and ask for a change of guardianship.


If you have questions about your right to competency, contact the Office of Recipient Rights at the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network at 313-833-2500.


Phone code: 1423

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